Finding quality talent is one of the most significant problems companies face today. Learn how Ze-Tech provide unique solution addresses these problems by reading answers to some of our most frequently asked questions below.
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Ze-Tech is a digital research platform used by decision makers looking to hire marketing service providers (also known as agencies) across multiple service areas including advertising, marketing, digital strategy, web design, app development, content marketing, branding, graphic design and many more.
We only succeed when you do, which is why we push as hard as we can to make your business the best in your sector. When you work with Ze-Tech, we become part of your family. We work closely with all our clients to make their brands matter, and we make them look good while we’re at it.
We’ll always strive to offer our clients a fair payment plan. Our payment schedule will always be clearly outlined within our proposals, which means there won’t be any surprises further down the road.
We allow our clients to begin a trial period with up to three experts from our network per position. While we rigorously screen all applicants to ensure talent and intelligence, we understand that not every person will be a perfect fit for every company. For this reason, we allow our clients to work with multiple experts for each position before they decide on a candidate with whom they are confident and comfortable.
Ze-Tech goes to every possible length to ensure that this doesn’t happen. At Ze-Tech, we completely understand dependability is of the utmost importance. We take measures to ensure that availability and reliability is a top priority for our experts. However, in the extremely unlikely circumstance that such a situation arises, Ze-Tech will credit back the time billed to the client.